
10/22生 東京都出身、東京都在住

Mac OS14 Sonoma
Adobe Photoshop 2024
Clip Studio EX
WACOM Intuos


発表済みの商業作品へのご感想 →作品ごとに宛先が違うので、お手数ですがFAQの「手紙やバレンタインのお菓子はどこに送ったらいい?」をご参照ください。
同人誌やネットでの活動へのご感想 → コミケ・サイン会でいただきます。
お仕事のご相談 →2025年末まで予定をいただいておりますため連絡先を閉じております。



Various contacts [ENG]

Any comments on my work: Please send to the relevant companies.Since the address differs depending on the work, please check the address of each company in the FAQ section “Q: I would like to send a letter to the character or author.
Comments on my doujinshi and online activities: I usually do not have a posting address. I’m sorry that this may be difficult for people overseas, but I would be happy to receive your letter at Comiket and autograph sessions.
If you would like to offer me a work or comission: Due to scheduling difficulties in taking on additional projects, I’m temporarily deleting my email address. I am weak-willed and if I receive an exciting offer from you, I will not be able to refuse and may force myself to accept it and destroy myself. I have no choice but to cut off all means of communication. I apologize for the inconvenience.