
豪男性が散歩中にムキムキのカンガルーに遭遇 思わず後ずさり

The kangaroo in the news story is not “two meters tall” but “two meters long,” so I don’t think it is as big as this picture, but I wanted to draw it, so I did.
With this size difference, I think Douman would be able to fight and win even if he was attacked by a kangaroo bigger than the vending machine in the middle of the night. If a vending machine smaller than this kangaroo attacked him, Douman would probably be able to defeat it with a single punch. If a kangaroo and a vending machine attacked Douman at the same time, …… hmmm, difficult. But Douman is an onmyo-ji, so he will manage.

Huge ‘bodybuilder’ kangaroo snapped in Margaret River, South West WA

