






以前のデザインはトップページからスクロールするだけで絵の全体像と文字が同時に見えるのが好きでした。これはTumblrに移る前のLivedoor blog時代からそうで、おそらくルーツはもっと前の、お絵かき掲示板時代のスタイルから続いていたのではなかったかと思います。ですがさすがにそろそろおさらばか……と感じています。




Following the relocation of the host server, the rebuilding here is almost finished. The color scheme looks much more incense-scented than before……

I am very sorry about the disappearance of your bookmarks. I thought that as long as DNS has not been changed, it should work, but I guess I was wrong. I have removed the bookmark plugin for good.

However there are some works still remaining. The new site does not yet have a function to notify users when an article is updated, I should change all the watermarks on my illustrations by my hand, the gallery does not yet functioning, and the thumbnails are too large and not pretty enough when viewed on a PC. (I thought of this when I designed the previous site and decided to make the thumbnails look like stickers of various kinds) I will fix this area little by little in the future. If it doesn’t work, I will consult a professional again.

I hope you’ll enjoy my new site.

Last but not least, Tumblr will be closed now for all the content has been moved. Great thanks to Tumblr for putting my pictures there for the past 9 years and everyone who has continued to view them.

A side note

I loved the previous design because it’s easy to see the whole picture and the text at the same time without any click or tap, just by scrolling down the top page.

I’ve been using this type of design since I’ve been using the Livedoor blog days before I moved to Tumblr, and perhaps even earlier in the days of the “oekaki BBS”. However, I think I should say goodbye to that style from this time on …….

The reason for this is that the engineer who helped me with the relocation advised me to use a skin that was developed in Japanese and could be updated frequently as WordPress updates, considering the character support and security, etc. But it was difficult to find a skin that perfectly fulfilled both design and security requirements at the same time. The fact that I have not found one so far makes me think that there may not be much merit in sticking to the old design ……. Besides, I’m starting to have fun with thumbnails, which I never used it before.

fixed some wrong words
